First of all... Hi
Second: Absence in February
Forgive my absence during this whole month of February in which I have not published any drawing, not even a lovey-dovey one, but let's say I was kidnapped to have a...
Calamitous Adventure
Third thing: Pixel Day
It was literally a jumpscare, I was on a call with my friends talking about various topics and curiously I checked NG to see what to do and prepare things for March until I saw an email...
I screamed loudly when I found out that I won the pixel day in fourth place, which I thought would be impossible due to my current status as an artist and the large amount of great works I saw during that day, it feels unreal, I always had low expectations telling my friends that I wouldn't win anything but that I was happy to participate in something with the community
It gives me some hope for my possible future
Fourth and last thing: The Future
drawings as always, to sum up, I have two pending commissions, a drawing that I should have done in February (a very nice one) one specifically for March 13th and some more in case I have any extra ideas since I'm a bit freer of things but...
studies... I'll be back to university in a few days so I'll try to manage my time as much as possible
and what else? collab of toys and a claw? clowns?
funny things for April
and the most important thing...
it's funny that in the winners of the pixel day they said in mine that it would be nice to make a game...
I don't know, I'll see them in the Hexagon Cosmos
That would be all, I could do this every month end, it would be interesting. Well, if you are still here, thanks for reading